360 ° Water sports – and Wibit is in the thick of it!
360 ° Water sports – and Wibit is in the thick of it!
360 ° Water sports – and Wibit is in the thick of it!

This year Wibit starts its season with the 45th international BOOT Trade Show in Düsseldorf!

360 ° Water sports – and Wibit is in the thick of it!

This year Wibit starts its season with the 45th international BOOT Trade Show in Düsseldorf! From the 18th until the 26th of January 2014 Wibit presents its newest innovations to the international visitors at booth C60 in Hall 10. Most importantly this year is the new concept of integrating equipment and support to professionally operated Wibit Sports Parks.

We invite you to visit our booth!!

More information: www.boot.de